When I saw The Reagan Library's email notice that, of all people, Chris
Thrill Going up My Leg Matthews will be speaking at the Reagan Forum about
bi-partisanship and the need for civility in politics, I thought it was some other Chris Matthews or a practical joke.
The Reagan Library e-mailAs an admirer of Ronald Reagan, I am so disappointed to hear that a bottom of the barrel political hack like Chris Matthews is being honored and legitimized by being invited to speak at The Reagan Library.
habitually superimposes racism on to Conservatives, Tea-Partiers, Palin supporters, and all who passionately reject the current liberal agenda in Washington.
It is therefor unavoidable that Reagan admirers, and Reagan himself, fall with in Matthews' perverse construct of what is racist.
Matthews has launched
numerous personal assaults against Sarah Palin.
Chris Matthews is a dishonest hack and a coward.
The Reagan Library could have invited a Liberal who actually embodies
bi-partisanship and
civility in politics; like Allen Combs, Joe Liberman, or Bob Beckel.
Inviting Chris Matthews to speak about
bi-partisanship and the need for civility in politics, is like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) inviting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak about the struggle against anti-Semitism and about the importance of women's rights.
To ad insult to injury to those of us who are familiar with Chris Matthews’ rhetoric, the Reagan Library's e-mail notice states that the Chris Matthews Show is a
news program, and that Mathews is a
news anchor as well as a
broadcast journalist - thus further legitimizing this punk.
What kind of journalist would say the fallowing about a passionate, yet clearly civil, protester? (
who clearly did NOT spit on Congressman Emanuel Cleaver as evidenced by the video)
You know I just saw one of those pictures the other day, a woman down in...Little Rock back in '57 when they were integrating Little Rock Central High School with that wicked look of anger. I mean contorted face. Look at this guy!
(For those of you who are un-familiar with this story: Nancy Pelosi (first female Speaker of the House), Barney Frank (gay senator), and members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) walked through the crowd of mostly white anti-Obamacare protesters outside the Capital building on the day of the healthcare vote. Meanwhile all the other congressmen entered through the tunnel as they normally do.
This was obviously orchestrated to depict a mob of hateful white people heckling a small group of black congressmen, a female Speaker, and a gay senator. The obvious idea was to concoct a scene reminiscent of whites heckling black children (The Little Rock Nine), who were escorted by the 101st Airborne Division of the U. S. Army courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican President), as they walked into Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.
During the CBC walk through, Emanuel Cleaver walked into the breathing space of one protester. Instead of apologizing, Mr. Cleaver decided to accuse the man of spiting on him and claim the N-word was hurled.
The whole event was caught on video, a video which proves that Emanuel Cleaver is a liar.)
How about this quote from Matthews?
We talk about 'the big one' out in San Francisco.... Well the big one in America is race -- that's the San Andreas fault of this country. And to see it so vividly displayed between poverty and middle class and white and black, right out there with those people begging for water, a basic human need, and to see that in way that looks like it's racial, really rips the scab off of this country. This is the thing we don't want to face, and now we're going to have to face it.
Sound like objective reporting?
How about:
Three years ago, the White House persuaded the media, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and a majority of the American people to accept their case for military action in Iraq -- largely based on a very powerful image, a nuclear mushroom cloud. The president, the vice president and others repeatedly warned of the looming threat of a nuclear weapon in Saddam Hussein`s arsenal that could be used against the territory of the United States.
Sound journalistic?
How about:
You guys see Live and Let Die, the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big? In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up. I have to tell you, Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet. But we’ll be there to watch. I think he’s Mr. Big, I think Yaphet Kotto. Are you watching, Rush?
How about this quote regarding Palin?
Is she a balloon head? I mean, Richard, listen to this. I`m asking the question. She said it would be popular in this country to go to war, to declare war on yet another country with 77 million people and a pretty darn modern air force to fight with. To declare war on Iran would be popular in this country. What world does she -- and then she puts the oath up, like to Israel. What was that putting the hand up, kind of an oath there, and bringing in Israel into this? What did that have to do with anything that`s reasonable?
Sound like news?
On Palin again:
You know, Richard, I think we`ve got people out there who are available. Dan Quayle was the first. George W. Bush was the second. These people are sort of hermit crabs. They`re willing to sort of adapt a new personality. And they`re people with ideas who want to force them -- put them in these people`s heads.
And on Palin again:
How can she be a pundit, she doesn't know anything.
Is this the political civility The Reagan Library will have Chris Matthews speak to?
I see no rational explanation for the library’s decision to honor Chris Matthews by inviting him to speak at the Reagan Forum other than pure pandering; something Reagan refused to do.